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NASW: Medelearn Portal MEDELEARN Version 6    

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HIPAA Awareness and Compliance Training
Updated for the 2013 Omnibus HIPAA Rule

In March 2013 several new provisions of HIPAA became effective, incorporating requirements of the HITECH Act, increasing privacy protections and the penalties for HIPAA violations. The Department of Health and Human Services enforcement deadline is September 23, 2013.Many social workers need to comply with the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations, as well as the Breach Notification Rule. NASW and the NASW Legal Defense Fund have joined with Medelearn� to provide a powerful online training solution custom tailored for social workers. Engaging e-learning experiences including professional graphics and work scenarios.

  • Basic and Advanced level courses.
  • Instant test scores! Test until you pass.
  • Immediate access to "Print Certificate of Completion" for audits.
  • One-Year access to course content.
  • CE Credits earned (in some states)*.

A brief summary of the offerings is listed here. Click "Preview" below for a detailed description or to purchase courses.
Members     $35 per person for one course
  $99 per person for the Comprehensive HIPAA package
Non-Members     $45 per person for one course
  $129 per person for the Comprehensive HIPAA package

You can purchase the Medelearn® courses for an individual or group with one transaction. You will receive an ID and Password that each participant will use the first time he or she accesses the system.
Each student will have access to go in and out of the courses and take the final exam for up to one (1) year after their purchase. Once students have successfully passed the final exam (with a final grade of 80% or better), they will be able to print certificates of completion.
Medelearn® offers a variety of packages. Please preview the available courses and packages to determine which are best for you.

*Reminder to Licensed Social Workers:
If your State accepts the NASW approval program, you may receive:

  • One Course - One (1) Continuing Education Contact Hour
  • Comprehensive Package of HIPAA Courses: Six (6) Continuing Education Contact Hours
NASW Continuing Education Program has the endorsement of more than 30 state licensure boards. However, it is your responsibility to contact your specific licensing boards directly to verify whether the NASW CE Approved courses will be accepted for meeting the conditions of licensure renewal. Be sure to obtain current information because the number of hours and types of programs approved by licensing boards are subject to change. Please be advised that unless your state has endorsed the NASW CE Approval Program, there is no guarantee that you will receive credit for the workshops and conferences listed.
For more information regarding social work continuing education for various states, visit:
Social Work Licensure Boards' Response to the NASW CE Approval Program

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